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Aug 11, 20222 min read
The Minions 2: blockbuster movie rendered on Qarnot
Universal Pictures subsidiary Illumination has rendered its global blockbuster, Minions 2: The rise of Gru, on the Qarnot infrastructure.

Jul 5, 20222 min read
Meet Kuulea Team - learning new things fascinates both at work and in free time
In Meet Kuulea Team -blog series we introduce our experts in Kuulea.
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Niina Ojala
Jun 29, 20223 min read
PRESS: Kuulea’s technology innovation will heat Kajawood Studios' buildings with data heat
Kajawood film studio and green technology startup company Kuulea agree on a major collaboration. The film studio built in Sotkamo,...
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Apr 29, 20223 min read
Customer case: Reducing carbon footprint and making life easier with an ecological rendering service
Videotiiviste is a Finnish company from Tampere that uses explainer videos (selitysvideo in Finnish) and insight videos (Oivallusvideo)...

Niina Ojala
Jan 14, 20221 min read
Qarnot receives ISO27001 certification for its cloud service platform
We are pleased to announce that our partner Qarnot’s QWare computing platform is ISO27001 certified. Kuulea uses the QWare platform in...
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Niina Ojala
Dec 31, 20212 min read
Kuulea joins Climate Commitment
Kuulea’s goals for environmental responsibility are ambitious. Our main goal is to mitigate climate change, which has been one of the...
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Niina Ojala
Dec 31, 20215 min read
5 things to consider when choosing rendering services
From time to time, you may wonder if the familiar way of doing 3D rendering should be changed, for example due to equipment aging or...
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Niina Ojala
Dec 31, 20212 min read
Case ADE: Local and ecological 3D rendering
ADE is a top expert in virtual training and 3D animation in Southwest Finland. ADE's expertise is based on 20 years of experience in the...
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Niina Ojala
Dec 31, 20214 min read
A swimming pool heated by an animation movie
A unique idea can make apartment buildings and swimming pools more environmentally friendly Servers, which generate a lot of waste heat...
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Niina Ojala
Dec 31, 20212 min read
A completely new type of district heating power plant started with Vatajankosken Sähkö
The data center and energy sector are undergoing a transformation. Climate change is putting pressure on energy efficiency, and services...
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